Are You a Good Neighbor? We Want To Hear About It
Are you or someone you know doing great work serving the community?
The National Association of REALTORS® has a program that recognizes and awards REALTORS® who are working to better the world around them. The Good Neighbor Awards recognize REALTORS® who have made an extraordinary impact on their community, or on the national or world stage, through volunteer work.
Nominate a REALTOR® today!
2021 Good Neighbor Award winners will receive $10,000 grants for their charities, as well as national and local publicity for their cause. Five honorable mentions will also each receive a $2,500 grant. Winners will also be flown to the 2021 REALTORS® Conference & Expo in San Diego where they will receive their award in front of thousands of fellow REALTORS®. Past winners all report that their charity benefited from additional donations and volunteers as a result of the exposure. Learn more about the Good Neighbor Awards.