#DontBeThatREALTOR Complete Your Code of Ethics Requirement Now
If you don’t satisfy NAR’s Code of Ethics training requirement by the end of this year, your REALTOR® membership will be suspended. If you still haven’t completed the training by March 1, 2022, your membership will be terminated.
Don’t find yourself in an embarrassing situation this January — complete your COE requirement now!
How to Find Your Ethics Training Status
NAR has an online lookup to check your ethics training status: nar.realtor/my-account (login required).
What Courses Currently Satisfy the NAR Requirement?
- Code of Ethics courses offered through MetroTex (mymetrotex.com/code-of-ethics)
- Code of Ethics courses offered by Texas REALTORS® (texasrealestate.com/ethicstraining)
- The NAR C2EX endorsement (nar.realtor/c2ex)
- NAR Official Code of Ethics Online Training (nar.realtor/coe)
What Is All This About?
All members must complete the training every three years. The current deadline by which all REALTORS® must take the training is December 31, 2021. The Texas Real Estate Commission Legal II course required to renew your license no longer satisfies the NAR requirement for REALTOR® Code of Ethics training. This change was adopted by the NAR Board of Directors in 2019.
If you completed TREC Legal II in 2019 or the NAR-approved ethics training in 2019 or 2020: You have completed the NAR requirement for the current cycle that ends on December 31, 2021.
If you did not complete TREC Legal II in 2019 or another NAR-approved ethics training in 2019 or 2020: You must complete NAR Code of Ethics training by December 31, 2021.
If you have questions, contact MetroTex Member Services at membership@dfwre.com or call (214) 540-2745.