Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) Designation
Tuesday, September 10, 202410:00 AM - 5:00 PMWebinar
The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) Designation Course will give you the professional tools and knowledge to be an advocate and guide for your buyer-clients.
Recently updated with new information and research relevant to today’s market, the ABR® Designation Course explores every aspect of residential real estate transactions from a buyer’s perspective. Learn how to attract more buyer-clients and elevate your services to ensure you are meeting all your fiduciary responsibilities when representing buyers.
With a live interactive webinar, you can experience the benefits of an interactive classroom setting from the convenience of your home, office, or whichever location is best suited to your learning style.
After completion of the course, you’ll be on your way to earning the Accredited Buyer’s Representation (ABR®) Designation.
This National Association of REALTORS® course provided through the Center for REALTOR® Development