Blockchain, Crypto, NFT’s
Wednesday, April 26, 20231:00 PM - 4:00 PMBroadcast Live via Zoom ( , TX )
The course is designed for commercial and residential agents to obtain an understanding of the outlook of the real estate industry using blockchain, crypto, and NFT digital currencies. The participants will gain insight into how commercial and residential real estate transactions could be affected by these new digital currencies. Will blockchain replace title companies and what is the difference between title data and blockchain data on real estate transactions? Must agents embrace this modern technology to stay relevant in the industry? The effects of crypto and commercial real estate will be discussed – will it be a win-win for commercial sellers. Blockchain, crypto, NFT technology, and terminology will be presented in the class. How to set up a digital wallet for the purchase of and sale of cryptocurrency through a recognized exchange. What is a passphrase and how do I protect my passphrase in this modern technology? Now I have cryptocurrency, what type of products/real estate can I purchase with it? How to convert the crypto back to dollars. Is there anything I cannot purchase with cryptocurrency including certain types of real estate? TREC #44328