Is It Down?
Experiencing technical difficulties? Check here for the status of your MetroTex and partner services.

Issue Details | Report an Issue
MetroTex headquarters is experiencing an internet and phone outage. Service centers are functioning, but we appreciate your patience as responses to phone calls and emails may be delayed until service is up and running at HQ.

Issue Details | Report an Issue
MetroTex headquarters is experiencing an internet and phone outage. Service centers are functioning, but we appreciate your patience as responses to phone calls and emails may be delayed until service is up and running at HQ.

Member Services
Issue Details | Report an Issue
MetroTex headquarters is experiencing an internet and phone outage. Service centers are functioning, but we appreciate your patience as responses to phone calls and emails may be delayed until service is up and running at HQ.

Issue Details | Report an Issue
MetroTex headquarters is experiencing an internet and phone outage. Service centers are functioning, but we appreciate your patience as responses to phone calls and emails may be delayed until service is up and running at HQ.