TRLP Applications
This is your year! Apply today to be considered for the TRLP class of 2025.
Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2025.
Total cost to participate in the TRLP program is $625. Scholarships are available for those who apply.
2025 TRLP Schedule
Applications are now closed for our 2025 class.
TRLP Texas REALTORS® Leadership Program Application
The Selection Committee looks for applicants who:
- Have a sincere commitment, motivation, and interest to serve the community, industry, and the MetroTex Association of REALTORS®
- Have demonstrated their commitment through involvement in community and industry activities
- Are interested in and intend to seek positions on boards, commissions, or key leadership roles in the community, industry organizations, and the MetroTex Association of REALTORS®
- Have exhibited a capacity for leadership/team building
- Are willing to commit the time and energy required to complete the program
2025 TRLP Program Schedule
Application Opens – 10/1/2024
Application Deadline – 1/31/2025
Interviews – Week of 2/10/2025
Tuition Due – 3/7/2025
Kick-Off –Orientation: March 28, 2025, Brunch 11:00am – 1:30pm (1701 Kinwest, Irving TX 75063)
Module 1 –Opening Retreat – Understanding Leadership: April 22, 2025 8:00am – 5:00pm Facilitated by Leadership on the Move at their facility in Ponder, TX – Ropes course
Module 2 –Leadership Defined: April 23, 2025, Day 2 of opening retreat, facilitated by Leadership on the Move – 8:30-4:30 (1701 Kinwest, Irving TX 75063)
Module 5 –Spokesperson Training: May 29, 2025, Facilitated by Texas REALTORS® – 8:30 – 4:30 (1701 Kinwest, Irving TX 75063)
Module 4 –Leadership Directed: June 20, 2025, SIMSOC facilitated by Leadership on the Move – 8:30-4:30 (1701 Kinwest, Irving TX 75063)
Module 3 –Leadership Delivered: July 14, 2025, REALTOR L.E.A.D. Course 8:30-4:30 (1701 Kinwest, Irving TX 75063)
Module 7 –Law, Legislature and the Texas REALTOR®: Overnight in Austin August 12th and 13th 2025, facilitated by Texas REALTORS®
Module 6 –Leadership Developed: September 30, 2025, 8:30-4:30 (1701 Kinwest, Irving TX 75063)
Module 8 Graduation: October 17, 2025, Brunch (1701 Kinwest, Irving TX 75063) planned and attended by alumni committee members – 11:00-1:00
TRLP Rules & Regulations
Associations who host TRLP agree to abide by the following:
- The Texas REALTORS® Leadership Program is designed to be delivered to active, practicing real estate agents and brokers. However, we recognize that certain local boards have different dynamics and may desire to offer affiliate member. It is also at the local board’s discretion to set the parameters for their program that participants are practicing REALTOR® members, and not include affiliate members.
- Local boards will utilize some type of personality or leadership assessment as part of their program, preferably in the opening retreat. This assessment is used and carried throughout the program and reviewed in the context of additional sessions.
- The Spokesperson Training component of TRLP will be taught by the Texas REALTORS® staff and/or their approved instructors unless otherwise approved in advance by Texas REALTORS® This session incorporates handling and responding to media calls and requests and interacting with the media, as well as general public speaking skills and addressing various groups. High-level information such as an overview of the local market, market conditions, and how Texas REALTORS® can assist buyers and sellers will be included in the training.
- The Texas REALTORS® Governmental Affairs department will schedule and offer two Austin sessions that satisfy the requirements for Law, Legislature, and the Texas REALTOR® within Module Requests for exceptions to schedule a separate session outside of these group sessions should be directed to the Government Affairs department. They will evaluate and must confirm any separate or additional requests.
- In order to be eligible to graduate from the Texas REALTORS® Leadership program, the participants must participate in your opening retreat, the Spokesperson Training session, and the Law, Legislature, and the Texas REALTOR® Participants may, at the discretion of the local governing body, be allowed to miss one other session and still graduate. If a participant cannot attend the Spokesperson Training or Law, Legislature, and the Texas REALTOR® session due to travel constraints or other circumstances, they may still graduate from the program, and make-up that session during next year’s program or at another participating area program.
- CE may be offered for certain sessions through Texas REALTORS®. Program facilitators and staff should contact Professional Development for details regarding CE.
- Local associations are allowed to obtain sponsorships for leadership program functions or events, but must adhere to TREC rules if CE is being offered.
- To avoid scheduling mishaps, leadership program staff facilitators will ensure Texas REALTORS® designated staff is provided a copy of their overall program schedule and updated on any changes to said schedule.
- Texas REALTORS® will provide program facilitator access to available resources including exercise and activity ideas, speaker suggestions, and reading recommendations, and will provide Spokesperson Training recordings and out-takes when requested, as well as graduation pins and certificates.
- Each TRLP class will complete a Leadership Leadership projects are independent projects planned and executed by the participants. Staff will approve the group’s project, but the project should not be staff driven or staff supported. The group should reach consensus on the idea or project and determine the time-frame for execution with staff supervision and guidance. Leadership projects can be completed within the time-frame of the program or after graduation. Ideas include:
- City, school or blighted neighborhood refurbishment projects
- Community outreach projects
- Fund-raising projects to support identified causes
Groups may contact organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Habitat for Humanity, places of worship, or other local charitable or non-profit organizations to identify a project or need where the local group may be able to make a difference in their community.
1-10 are required for all TRLP participants. 11-19 are specific to MetroTex TRLP Participants.
- There shall be no more than ten percent (10%) participants in the TRLP selected from non-REALTOR organizations, (subsidiary or affiliate), to participate as students in any one (1) program year.
- All tuition shall be payable to The MetroTex Association of REALTORS. Total tuition is due in full upon acceptance into the program. TUITION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
- There shall be no less than twenty (20) or the number of participants necessary to cover all expenses of the program, and no more than thirty (30) participants selected for each program year. In the event 20 or fewer participants are enrolled after the tuition cutoff date, only the MetroTex Association of REALTORS Board of Directors may authorize the beginning of a program year.
- The TRLP is company neutral, therefore no solicitation of funds, items of value, donations or promotional items shall be permitted in the name of the TRLP by any of its participants, staff, or officers.
- Program days are to be held in accordance with TRLP Guidelines. Prior approval from the Association is required for media coverage during the program. Participants who are employed by the media are prohibited from using information acquired at the programs for reporting news.
- TRLP is structured to be politically non-partisan. No participant, Committee member or staff member may use the name of the program in a political campaign nor imply endorsement by the program.
- Any request for exceptions to the terms and conditions of these Rules and Regulations shall be presented to the Chair of the TRLP Alumni Committee for consideration.
- Any proposed changes to these Rules and Regulations shall be submitted to the Association’s Board of Directors for approval.
- Should a timely decision need to be made with regard to the administration of this program, including the suspension or termination of a participant of this program, such decision may be made by the chairman of this TRLP Alumni Committee and a panel consisting of at least two (2) other Committee members appointed by the Committee chairman.