Dallas County Establishes Rules for Real Estate Agents as Essential Business
UPDATE 4/7/2020
Dallas County Essential Business Rules for Real Estate Agents
Dallas County has amended their shelter in place order to include real estate as an essential business and established very specific rules for real estate agents in Dallas County. Based on analysis, REALTORS® can show property across the market but should exercise great caution in doing so and must follow very specific rules mandated by Dallas County. Now more than ever, it is critical that you stay in close communication with your broker, and brokers with their legal counsel, on any changes to your contracts, current business practices, and policies. We strongly recommend all members use technology and other services to work remotely whenever possible, including showings; and where not possible, to comply with CDC guidelines — practicing good hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and sanitation, implementing social distancing — as well as any local orders restricting gatherings or travel.
This includes the use of the Residential COVID-19 Addendum, as well as newly released forms such as the Commercial COVID-19 Addendum, the COVID-19 Lease Payment Plan Agreement for property managers, and the Model COVID-19 Certification for Property Access for brokers.
More valuable resources can be found at Texas REALTORS® and National Association of REALTORS®.
If you have further questions on the statewide executive order, call the Texas REALTORS® Legal Hotline at 1-800-873-9155.
UPDATED 4/3/2020
Dallas County extends “Shelter in Place” to April 30
MetroTex Extends Remote Work to Comply With Dallas County
We’re STILL Here For You!
COVID-19 has impacted most every aspect of our lives and our industry. As of this morning, Dallas Commissioners Court approved extension of the Dallas County “Shelter in Place” Order, causing us to extend our remote member support until April 30th or until the “Shelter in Place” is lifted, with all office locations remaining closed.
MetroTex staff members have worked tirelessly to assist our members remotely these past two weeks, and look forward to continuing to meet member needs, while observing the safety protocols enacted. As indicated in our first announcement about office closures, we are STILL here for you!
During regular work hours, we are available via phone, email, conference call and virtual meetings. We have boosted our live broadcast class options and have more than 25 courses available this month. MetroTex will persist in its work with local health officials, government leaders, the National Association of REALTORS® and Texas REALTORS® to make sure you are informed about the latest and relevant news.
Your patience is appreciated during this time as we continue serving you in this “new normal.” Each and every staff member is doing their best to support you and provide a terrific member experience. We WILL get through this together!
Please contact a MetroTex staff member with questions about how we can help meet your business needs.
Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Main Office: (214) 637-6660
Billing & Accounts Receivable: (214) 540-2750 or (817) 796-5340
Member Services: (214) 540-2745 (817) 796-5370
MLS Technical Support: (214) 540-2755 or (817) 796-5350
Professional Development: (214) 540-2751 or (817) 796-5360
Keycard: (214) 540-2754 or (817) 796-5390
After-hours MLS support (888) 440-3687)
After-hours Keycard support: 877-699-6787)
Full Staff Directory
MyMetroTex.com/staff (Staff Directory)
MyMetroTex.com/memberservices (How to Access Member Dashboard)
MetroTex YouTube Channel (Great resource for both new and experienced REALTORS®)
Governor Announces Real Estate is Essential
Today, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order setting a statewide standard for essential services that may continue to be provided, including residential and commercial real estate. Read Gov. Abbott’s order that utilizes the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines for identifying essential services, which includes real estate highlighted on Page 13. Here are some key points:
Supersedes existing local orders only where those local orders may have previously restricted essential services or where they were more permissive on gatherings
Even for essential services, telework or online work should be used as much as possible, limiting in-person contact (following CDC guidelines) unless absolutely necessary
This is a positive step for Texas REALTORS®, as real estate professionals statewide may continue to serve clients while demonstrating care for the health and well-being of the greater public welfare.
The MetroTex Association of REALTORS® urges all members to stay informed, follow the guidance of the CDC, and comply to the fullest with any State or County restrictions being implemented. During this unprecedented moment in time, the precautions being advised are crucial to keeping you, your family, and your clients safe, and slowing the spread of this fast moving virus.
Collin County Shelter-in-Place order
Dallas County Shelter-in-Place order
Hunt County Shelter-in-Place order
Tarrant County Shelter-in-Place order
Rockwall County Shelter-in-Place order
Denton County Shelter-in-Place order
Kaufman County Shelter-in-Place order