Voting Information

MetroTex Association of REALTORS® supports and endorses candidates who help in our mission to protect the private property rights of homeowners and tenants. These candidates understand this mission and have committed to working with MetroTex to continue to promote homeownership in their districts. REALTORS® have a strong voice in their communities and continue to lead by example. We encourage everyone to get out and vote!
More Information
November 2024 Election Results
The following REALTOR®-endorsed candidates were successful in their election bids on November 5!
Jump to: U.S. Congress | Texas House | Texas State Senate | Dallas Propositions | More Election Details
U.S. Congress | |
District | Name |
District 4 | Pat Fallon (R) |
District 5 | Lance Gooden (R) |
District 6 | Jake Ellzey (R) |
District 24 | Beth Van Dyne (R) |
District 26 | Brandon Gill (R) |
District 30 | Jasmine Crockett (D) |
District 32 | Julie Johnson (D) |
District 33 | Marc Veasey (D) |
Texas House | |
District | Name |
District 2 | Brent Money (R) |
District 4 | Keith Bell (R) |
District 63 | Ben Bumgarner (R) |
District 65 | Mitch Little (R) |
District 92 | Salman Bhojani (D) |
District 98 | Giovanni Carpriglione (R) |
District 100 | Venton Jones (D) |
District 101 | Chris Turner (D) |
District 102 | Ana-Maria Ramos (D) |
District 103 | Rafael Anchia (D) |
District 104 | Jessica Gonzales (D) |
District 105 | Terry Meza (D) |
District 107 | Linda Garcia (D) |
District 108 | Morgan Meyer (R) |
District 109 | Aicha Davis (D) |
District 110 | Toni Rose (D) |
District 111 | Yvonne Davis (D) |
District 112 | Angie Chen Button (R) |
District 113 | Rhetta Andrews Bowers (D) |
District 114 | John Bryant (D) |
District 115 | Cassandra Hernandez (D) |
Texas State Senate | |
District | Name |
District 8 | Angela Paxton (R) |
District 12 | Tan Parker (R) |
District 16 | Nathan Johnson (D) |
District 23 | Royce West (D) |
City of Dallas Propositions | ||
Proposition | REALTOR® position | Outcome |
Proposition S
Shall the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new chapter that grants standing to any resident of Dallas to bring a lawsuit against the city to require the city to comply with provisions of the city charter, city ordinances, and state law; entitles claimants to seek declaratory and injunctive relief against the city and recover costs and reasonable attorney’s fees; and waives the city’s governmental immunity from suit and liability in claims brought under this amendment? |
Against | Passed |
Proposition T
Shall Chapter VI of the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new section compelling the city to conduct the city-commissioned Community Survey on an annual basis, to be completed by a minimum of 1,400 Dallas residents on their satisfaction on quality of life issues, the results of which will result in the city manager earning additional performance compensation (between 0 percent and 100 percent of the city manager’s annual base salary) or the termination of the city manager? |
Against | Did Not Pass |
Proposition U
Shall Chapter XI of the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new section compelling city council to appropriate no less than 50 percent of annual revenue that exceeds the total annual revenue of the previous year to fund the Dallas Police and Fire Pension, with any monies remaining of that 50% to be appropriated to increasing the starting compensation of officers of the Dallas Police Department and to increase the number of police officers to a minimum of 4,000, and to maintain the ratio of officers to the City of Dallas populations as of the date of passage of this amendment? |
Against | Passed |
Voting Information
How are candidates selected for endorsement?
Candidates are interviewed by MetroTex, Texas REALTORS®, and/or NAR, to determine their positions and commitments on issues directly effecting property rights of homeowners and tenants, and REALTORS® themselves.
Does MetroTex support a specific party?
Endorsements are made regardless of political affiliation. You may hear about the REALTOR® Party – a powerful alliance of REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations working to advance public policies and candidates that build strong communities, protect property interests and promote a vibrant business environment. The REALTOR® Party may include candidates of any political affiliation, as long as they are committed and invested in the issues facing REALTORS® and homeowners and tenants. Find out more.
How do I know where MetroTex stands on specific issues?
Check out MetroTex Public Policy Positions.
How can I make a difference?
Make sure you get out and vote! The REALTOR® voice is strong and pivotal. Also, invest in TREPAC.
Where can I vote?
Find my polling place on the Texas Secretary of State’s website.
REALTOR® Party Resources & Public Policy Positions
Check out MetroTex Public Policy Positions for MetroTex positions on specific issues.
Visit the REALTOR® Party site for more REALTOR® Party resources..